tonight´s the night to see underhoney by Yoko Hata at the Rote Loge
Today was like every other day. Slowly I start to head home. I still have to write down what I have to do tomorrow. How many days have I spent here already?
Am I a fish in an aquarium? Are the people outside fish in the ocean? They would never imagine that I’m sitting here. Even though it’s seems peaceful, a lot of things are happening now – anything good enough for a caption. I think I’ll never have anything to do with something like this. But could something still happen to me?
quote from underhoney
Yoko Hata uses raw models of advertisement, documentary and educational formats to amalgamate a vision of a sweet (honey) world, both charming and uncanny. A (mostly female) sweet Japanese voice-over seduces the viewer to follow the artist GUP-py into her artificial, sometimes ideal half-world.
Klaus W. Eisenlohr
august 10th 10pm Yoko Hata / GUP-py at Rote Loge
Simon-Dachstrasse 22, (next to Revalerstrasse)
related: GUP-py
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