Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Cult Of Sebastiaan

I wanted to save you but I couldn´t 2005

Throughout 2005 I continued to work on large-scale drawings populated by delusional characters that don't know where they are in the world. I believe not being able to understand where one is in life or the world is a common experience. This is what interests me: common occurrences of confusion, delusion: the everyday experience of being at a loss. It is recognisable to such an extent one has to make fun of it, though a sinister undertone is inevitable: laughing at someone who is delusional and doesn't realise it, is one thing; asking yourself if you are delusional and not being able to answer with certainty is another. Sebastiaan Schlicher

Drawings by Sebastiaan will be shown in Berlin
Kopenhagener Str. 66, 10437 Berlin
march 10 - 23, daily from 3pm to 8pm

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