Thursday, July 27, 2006

still-life worldwide world premiere tonight

tonight´s the night for the world premiere of Marina Foxley´s latest work still-life. Join us in meatspace at the Rote Loge Berlin 10 pm.
Or visit Directors Lounge television to join in from every part of the world.
still-life, a silent 12-minute movie examines the textures and landscapes of the nude body. Based on motives from tarot, still-life transform the picture of the hanging body, usually associated with the aesthetics of bondaged, japanese women, into the baroque realm of Caravaggio. The impressive photography of Laurent Couedel is bewitching, while, on another layer, still-life can be as well seen as a videoperformance in the succession of Carolee Schneeman.

still-life on Directors Lounge television (low)
still-life on Directors Lounge television (high)

Rote Loge Berlin Simon-Dachstrasse 22, (next to Revalerstrasse)
S- and U Warschauer Brücke

related: Marina Foxley at Rote Loge Carolee Schneeman Fuses

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