Diane Kosup, untitled, videostill, 2006
This work is (was) part of Plan B a graduate-student art show that opened last week in a city-owned building near the Brooklyn Bridge.
On Thursday May 4th MFA students at Brooklyn College were surprised to find their exhibition shut down the day after a successful and well attended opening. MFA Students were monitoring the exhibition at the Brooklyn War Memorial when around 3:00 p.m. a locksmith arrived to change the locks, later a building supervisor insisted the students leave immediately.
Warner Johnston, a spokesman for the Parks Department, said the decision was made by Julius Spiegel, the commissioner, who felt the work was not "appropriate for families."In addition to a penis sculpture, the works in the show included a video with sexual overtones in which women are dressed as nuns. It also featured, among other things, abstract paintings and watercolors, photographs, video works and installation-type work using air-duct pipes and spheres of unfired clay.
The locked exhibition has been renamed to "Plan C," with C as the first letter in "censored."
The students also set up a blog to spread the word about the closing.
Why should the land of the free care about art that demonstrated "a lack of proper respect for public morals or conduct or that includes material that is religious, political or sexual in nature." as long as there are true masters of american art?
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