Showing posts with label Andre Werner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andre Werner. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2016


apanese Beauties

Mixed media works by André Werner. Images of Japanese Women transfered onto illustrations of the Jin Ping Mei (Kin Ping Meh). These small phototransfer/collages have been enlarged as cibachrome prints.
 via Art Yes No

All untitled, phototransfer/collage, ca. 15,2 x 11 cm | 6″ x 4,3″ (as cibachrome, 200 x 146 cm | 79″ x 57″ ) 1992

Friday, April 08, 2011

DL hits LA

DL at the LAAA
one not to miss: Directors Lounge hits LA, opening reception April 9th 6-9pm
We are screening assorted highlights at the prestigious Los Angeles Art Association (LAAA) as part of  NOT A CAR, a  special all-media, cross-cultural exhibition featuring the highlights  from our partners, the C.A.R. art fair in Essen, Germany, alongside original  contemporary artworks by Los  Angeles artists debuting at Gallery 825 on  April 9, 2011. Exhibit runs  through April 29, 2011.

pictured: some frames from
Eine Geisha wird gefilmt, a geisha being filmed by André Werner , 1993, 2 min 50 s

ne not to miss: Directors Lounge hits LA, opening reception April 9th 6-9pm
Directors Lounge is screening assorted highlights at the prestigious Los Angeles Art Association (LAAA) as part of  NOT A CAR, a special all-media, cross-cultural exhibition featuring the highlights from our partners, the C.A.R. art fair in Essen, Germany, alongside original contemporary artworks by Los Angeles artists debuting at Gallery 825 on April 9, 2011. Exhibit runs through April 29, 2011.

pictured: some frames from
Eine Geisha wird gefilmt, a geisha being filmed by André Werner , 1993, 2 min 50 s