The "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award, created by Mariana Pinheiro of Gatochy-fame, is a way to counter-attack Blogger's censorship of erotic blogs, by drawing attention to the fact that many of these have quality content. More and more often you can´t visit fine blogds without the ridiculous splash screen by google/blogger that states that "Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable...". This stupid content warning suggest in it´s quiete objectionable wording that porn, hate or racism lurk behind, where instead engaged bloggers present fine art that may (OMG) contain nudity.
I wish there was this list of sites censored by Blogger. I'd bet good money that they are ALL, without exception, censored for sexual content, and that not a single one is racist, or homophobic, or anything else like that would actually be a good reason for considering it offensive.
Mariana Pinheiro
expand to meet the first four laureates of the "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award.
Gatochy's first "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award
art nudes
The internet has really influenced fine art photography in that the visual vernacular of pornography is being increasingly referenced. Sometimes the references are ironic and critical, sometimes celebratory, and sometimes fine art photographers shoot work that is simply pornographic. This is particularly true of ‘fetish’ photography, as it is by nature full of photographic potential. Psychologically, it’s about power relationships, sexual politics, and violence. Visually, it’s got great dark moody themes, shiny latex and all the various accoutrements that go along with it. Nonetheless, I seldom post that type of work, unless the photography is exceptional
Michael Barnes art nudes
Gatochy's second "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award
Au carrefour étrange
My last blog has been censored because there were a pic of Brassaï when you could see a tit… a 1930’s pic with no pornographic content at all… and I didn’t want to delete the picture… So this time I prefered to anticipate the censors…it’s just SAD but I prefer to do that that to see hundreds hours of work disappear in 5 seconds…To describe my site in english is complicated… let’s say that this place exists to show that connections exist between surrealism, erotic popular expressions, science-fiction, B-movies etc… And this is a crossroad where all this cultures can be found. To me the crossroad is a place of magic and creativity.
Losfeld, Au carrefour étrange
Gatochy's third "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award
fine Nudes
This blog was from the beginning on something like my personal collection of fine nude photography, something like the book I would print if I had the chance to do so, or the pieces I would like to hang on my walls. It is my very own definition of what I believe to be art in this specific genre. This definition of art is not only very personal, it is also something that is beyond language, something that cannot be defined by tags, labels or rules.Anyone who tries to approach art by using terms like objectionable or NSFW hasn´t understand anything at all.
fine Nudes
Gatochy's fourth "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" Award
A Flower A Day
photo by Ray Bidegain
This award is my way of showing solidarity with fellow bloggers whose sites have been censored by Blogger for puritanical reasons that, in my view, are just not justifiable. It's common for bloggers who have been tagged with the dreaded "I Understand and I Wish to Continue" splash screen to lose at least half of their usual visitors, because people just assume the screen must be there for a reason -- a good reason. If this award can in some way help to dispel that prejudice, I'll be happy.
Mariana Pinheiro