This blog is now abandoned since she combined all her projects under the umbrella of her coolgirl magazine, a well made mag featuring, next to her own, works by Chris Heads, Giuseppe Mastromatteo and Rikki Kasso, just to name a few.
Jason Hackenwerth creates kinetic installations of strangely organic, latex colonies that bring to mind underwater deep-seascapes. Toxically colored forms made from balloons, the work is reminiscent of anemones and urchins, or perhaps something a bit more wicked and erotic.
While walking along Nevskiy Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia, I saw a young girl dancing this harsh, passionate and seductive dance.
Masha Godovannaya
Motorola has patented a new kind of PDA that evaluates a property’s Feng Shui rating by measuring positive and negative chi and awarding plus and minus points accordingly.
The device houses a camera that checks the colour of the property, a microphone that listens for noise from nearby roads and factories and a compass to find north – a crucial factor for Feng Shui enthusiasts. It can also measure the strength of AM and FM radio signals from local radio transmitters and connect to the nearest mobile phone base station to check for indications of cellphone signal strength.
Weak radio signals indicate positive chi but strong signals mean negative chi and lead to a poor Feng Shui rating. Ironically, Motorola’s new gadget seems to help people avoid the signals that they need to connect their cellphones.
For off peak, I found myself searching for magic and longing for innocence in the Wisconsin Dells: a place I had always dreamed of visiting—as every child growing up in the Midwest does.
The result is a collection of photographs made during five trips over two years, all in the off-peak season. Their mood reflects the introspective struggle I feel (during these complicated political times) between longing for an escape back to innocence, magic, and childlike wonder; and accepting the responsibilities and realities that experience and knowledge bring. In the end, I found room for magic in a place off peak.
Joseph Cornell (American, 1903-1972), Portrait of Julien Levy, Daguerreotype-Object, 1939.photo provided by PMA
Julien Levy (American, 1906-1981), Frida Kahlo, c. 1938. Gelatin silver print.photo provided by PMA
“What are you doing that for?” he said.
“To make people think” J replied, “and make their own meaning.”
He paused for a second, then said “you know in the 30s there was this fellow who used to write the word Eternity in chalk on the pavement. He did it for years all over Sydney, the same word over and over again.”
“That’s one of the ideas behind this work” J said ethusiastically.
“I could think of better things to do with my time” he answered. “But it was nice talking to you” he said as he walked away.
J had just finished stencilling the couch when she noticed a woman watching and waiting.
“Am going to get yelled at”, she wondered, “it will happen one day, and after all, this isn’t the back streets of St Kilda.”
When she crossed the road, the woman was smiling sheepishly. “That’s my couch” she said. “Well, not really, it belonged to my flatmate until he moved out. He left it on the nature strip and then decided to shift it over there. I feel so guilty, it used to be in my loungeroom…for years.”
“Now you don’t need to feel so bad” J replied, “it’s not rubbish anymore, it’s a piece of temporary art work.”
The presenter, her eyes closed and her face showing no emotion, comments forcefully on seven topical subjects.
The viewer is both challenged by the unusual mode of expression whilst also being drawn towards this strange, transient messenger.
flow by Daniela Butsch, curator of "electronic painting" during Directors Lounge 2006, will be projected onto the facade of the Neukoelln Opera in Berlin. This is its version 06 for “neukoelln fliesst” from 23rd - 25th of June. best views after 23pm.
Karl-Marx-Str. 131-133
12043 Berlin – Neukoelln more
Of all the people acquiring guns in 1998 on the black market in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Charles Krafft was probably the only one who turned the illicit weapons into porcelain delftware.
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Carolee Schneemann was among the founding figures of the American performance art of the 60's. She began her career as a painter, making works that dealt in a very formalist manner with ideas of presence, the body and the gesture. As Schneemann moved towards a more radical exploration of these same ideas she began produce the performance art for which she became renown.
Though recognized as a protean force within the avant-garde film, video and performance cultures which grew out of early '60s America, the full range of Schneeman's artistic vision has yet to be appreciated. As a seamless fusion of painting, film, video, poetry and performance, her work has always defied simple characterization and has been met by controversy at every turn.
Her renowned Fuses (1964-67), a film of collaged and painted sequences of lovemaking between Schneemann and her then partner, composer James Tenney; observed by the cat Kitch, transforms sexual intercourse into formal and aesthetic subject matter, while many and vociferous detractors see it as just pornography.
"...I wanted to see if the experience of what I saw would have any correspondence to what I felt-- the intimacy of the lovemaking... And I wanted to put into that materiality of film the energies of the body, so that the film itself dissolves and recombines and is transparent and dense-- as one feels during lovemaking... It is different from any pornographic work that you've ever seen-- that's why people are still looking at it! And there's no objectification or fetishization of the woman." Carolee Schneemann
"In her attempt to reproduce the whole visual and tactile experience of lovemaking as a subjective phenomenon, Schneemann spent some three years marking on the film, baking it in the oven, even hanging it out the window during rainstorms on the off chance it might be struck by lightning. Much as human beings carry the physical traces of their experiences, so this film testifies to what it has been through and communicates the spirit of its maker. The red heat baked into the emulsion suffuses the film, a concrete emblem of erotic power." B. Ruby Rich, Chicago Art Institute.
Private Public by Joe Malia
A series of objects that highlight the privacy we sacrifice when using mobile technological devices in public spaces.
Users of the wearable mobile phone scarf can venture into public spaces confident that if the need to compose a private text message were to arise the object could be pulled over the face to create an isolated environment.
Devoted PSP players can explore their passion in complete privacy by using a model specifically designed for the device.