Thursday, 26th of June, Directors Lounge
SSally’s obsessions with film: archiving, archeology, and arcana are threaded together to form a psychedelic and sculptural cinematic Victoriana vision. Sally Golding´s triple 16 mm projection fuses photochemical experiments with live performance and references to the horror genre. Sally Golding of Brisbane based Abject Leader, comes to Berlin for this very unique show. A must see for friends of experimental film and devotees of dark underground.

expand for programm and location details
Not Still Life
A Technicolor nightmare: Live explorations into the sordid past of colour processes...Untangling the "three colour separation process" in which three records of the same image are shot and projected back through RGB filters to make your eyeballs tingle. Rotating colour wheels are employed in attempts at a hybrid "Friese-Green" system (can you glimpse "realistic" colour?). Candied visions and projector performance make for a gothic live Victoriana experience.
Face of an Other
Obsessions with the horror genre manifest themselves onto the filmmaker¹s own body in a bizarre attempt to meld the real and the hyper real. A live performance in which humanity has forgotten itself, or did Hollywood just get carried away?
(Bloodless: Now and Then)
Bloodless Landscape / Johnny¹s Ghost
Originally a pile of discarded film leader, photographic images begin to flicker as interjections within the apparently empty screen space. Fleeting moments of landscape imagery appear distorted by time and light.
An unsettling, gothic "European" narrative disrupts the desolate, desiccated Australian landscape. An Abject Leader mutable expanded cinema piece, these trees and chemicals have endured a long projector performance battle with lenses and prisms many times.
Afterwards live music from Mexico
program starts at 9pm, doors open 8pm
See you at the Scala, Friedrich Str. 112 A, 1st floor