Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Eric Gill

Gill (1882-1940) was a gifted sculptor, engraver, illustrator, letterer, writer, and typographer. It's the latter for which he's best known today - Gill Sans is a very common sans-serif typeface created by Eric Gill and published by the Monotype Corporation between 1928 and 1930. Based on Edward Johnston's Johnston typeface for the London Underground, Gill Sans is widely admired for its quiet gracefulness and versatility.
It was notably used by the London and North Eastern Railway and later by British Railways and the odds are overwhelmingly good that you have at least one of his typefaces on your computer right now. (Gill Sans is a preloaded font in Microsoft Office, and included with Mac OS X.)
Gill's devout Roman Catholicism did not prevent him from living a bohemian lifestyle and taking lovers.
A deeply religious man, Eric Gill published numerous essays on the relationship between art and religion. He also produced a number of erotic engravings.
Gill died in Uxbridge, Middlesex in 1940. His headstone, on his grave near Pigotts, identifies him simply as a "stone carver"

pics via rare erotica
more works at Tate

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