Little do I know about the origin and the creator of these beautiful photographs of people floating majestically through the streets. But they are for sure an invitation to leave the computer and soar a bit through the neighborhood. For no specific reason they remind me of these marvels.
update: Ciarán kindly informs us that these photographs are by Denis Darzacq who won a well deserved first price in the category Arts and Entertainment at World Press Photo 2007. From the notes:
"Paris street dancers display their skills at breakdancing, capoeira and other personalized dance forms. Breakdance evolved as part of the hip hop movement among African American youths in New York City in the 1970s, and is arguably the best known of hip hop dance styles. Capoeira is derived from a Brazilian martial art. Although dances may involve a known range of positions or steps, they are unstructured, highly improvisational expressions of individual technique"

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1 comment:
They won 1st prize in the stories category of World Press Photo this year. There's a little blurb about their orgin ther too:
(I know the url is a bit messy but anyways)
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