Not as elegant as the Cocoons by Jennie Pineus, but without doubt a cuddly way to make a stand against the normal c(o)urse of life:
We all have these moments when we wish the world could just stop existing for a while. Whether it's to get away from a personal crisis or from universal threats, from time to time all we want to do is curl up and hide. Now, for these moments we have the perfect soultion: the HideAway.
Pre-shaped in the hiding-position, this cover has a snug fit and is easy to use. you can get into it fast and easy, anywhere and at any time. HideAways are available in a range of positions, materials and sizes. They are compact and lighweight, and stored in the useful carry-on bag, you can take your HideAway everywhere you go. Choose out of our evergrowing collection, or have a HideAway custom-made for your loved ones or for yourself.
Rosalie Monod de Froideville
HideAway Cozy Adult
Especially for at home we offer the comfortable HideAway Cozy. Made out of the softest wool. available for children and pets as well.
HideAway Corporate
We have the HideAway Corporate, available in fine cotton for indoors, or sturdy trenchcoat cotton for outdoors. For withdrawing in style at a busy office, with space for your briefcase.
HideAway Custom
For that extra personal touch, you can order your own custom-made HideAway. Assisted by one of our experts, you can choose the position, material and accessories you prefer. Within a month, your ideal hideAway will be delivered at your home. Apart from the range of exquisite fabrics we offer to choose from, you can also use your own materila, like your old children'r blanket, your favorite rug, or your cherished grandfather's coat.
via shu
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