Saturday, January 06, 2007

flooding the world with words 01 • Bjorn Wangen

Almost ashore – visions of bac buc, one hour interactive Flash loop 2006

A"lmost ashore – visions of Bac Buc" is gathering news headlines from rss feeds (CNN, BBC, the New York Times and Washington Post collected at Moreover). The headlines are broken down to single words and scrambled. The single words are randomly, almost like a fog, slowly filling up a landscape image.

Eventually, after apprx three quarts of an hour, the whole image is literally being invaded by the words. In the end, all words are wiped off the image and everything starts over again. A very slow loop that is, working with the juxtaposition of the
networked speed of fresh international news and the seemingly slowliness of the local.

click pics to enlarge

Snapshots from this clever made flashanimation have been taken on january 5th.

Bjorn Wangen is, next to his artistic work, educator at the Malmö university college.In the last ten years he realized several, interactive and netbased installation pieces.
To find out where he is right now look at his balcony in downtown Malmö, Sweden X – I am here

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