
Slightly inclined towards the animal, they attracted attention above all by their opposition to the curriculum and methods of GDR art world. The group broke up in 1991 as a result of increasing individual work by the artists and decreasing pressure from the country's political system.
In 1987 Via Lewandowsky produced a film version of the performance «Heart Horn Skin Shrine», staged by the autoperforation artists as their concluding work in the Stage Set Section at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste (College of Visual Arts) in Dresden.

small pictures from malMal, 1986 & Panem et Circenses, 1988
Christoph Tannert wrote: «Certainly no [other] film in the country of the
‹little white dove of peace› was ever fiddled together with so much morbid maximalism, imagined violence, and paranoid mood background.»

Dionysos, installation/performance 1985, still from the S8-film
Many other filmworks from this area had never been shown in public.
Directors Lounge will screen 5 pieces in world premiere as part of our saturday-screening "In Bewegung" during Figures of motion at the Plueschow Lounge.